Simon '...How about you? Are you an idiot or the offspring of past idiots?....'
In the 1950's my mother answered a door to a neighbour lady, a Jehovah's Witness. This woman spoke in a kind and loving way and showed a genuine interest in my mother. Mom had four young boys, all under 8 years old. Flash back a few years. Her husband had died in a fire, leaving his wife, my Mom and a young son, my older brother to fend for themselves. A horrible time for Mom. No family close to comfort her and support her. Catholic Priest tells Mom husband has gone straight to Hell as he was not a Catholic. How is this possible, such a good man went to Hell? Could not accept it. First husbands brother attends the funeral, never seen Mom before, [people got married quicker in the 40's/World War ll was over/people wanted to move on] husbands brother marries Mom and then has 3 more boys.
Then a loving woman with a Bible in her hand shows her that her first husband, my Uncle, did not go to a burning Hell but was only sleeping until the resurrection. [This had bothered Mom for many years.] Mom agreed to a study, congregation supported her and helped her get to meetings, care for the kids, field service, assemblies to attend, new system just around the corner, etc,etc,etc, It made us special people on this earth. Mom and 4 boys all came into the 'truth' and were baptized. Not the husband but he was friendly with all and attended some meetings. A good man and good provider. Sunshine had started to shine on this woman's life. She now had something special she never had before. She belonged and her family was protected from future calamity coming upon this earth.
So, Simon, when you ask if my Mom was an idiot I have to ask if you have the slightest idea what you are talking about.